Friday, December 31, 2004

New Years Eve

Can I tell you how much I enjoy the fact that I got to sleep in today.
And I am beholden to no one except Casa de Lara ? (We have gift certificates that expire that we need to use there today)
So excited to just be a bum for the first time in what feels like months.
Going to take down decorations, cook, and be crafty.
Hoorah for a New Year.
My resolution - be happy.
Write, have fun, not be so serious, laugh more, and enjoy being married.
The last one - be good to everyone who means something to me and let them know how much I care.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Tsunami hits home

I spoke to my Dad last night and one of his friends from his job in Europe is missing along w/her husband. They were vacationing and getting some much deserved sun in Thailand.
He's dealing this person wasn't someone he was really tight with but someone he knew.
Which I think makes this tragedy even more real.
Can you imagine - 52,000 people?
And that isn't even everyone.
They are saying a whole generation of children is gone as children count for 1/2 the population in that part of the world.
I am sorry we lost Reggie White but I think if he were around he would be telling all of us to do what we can to help these poor people during this terrible time.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Enjoy the Silence

We survived our in laws!
They are gone.
Our house is still clean and so quiet now it's lovely. :)
I got not one but two digital cameras and have decided I have a problem.
So fun.
Have a Hello Kitty digital camera that you can create stories with of course using your photos.
My husband got me an EasyShare camera and it is awesome.
I have another hobby!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

The NFL has invaded my Christmas

Hey -
So it's Christmas day.
Survived Christmas Eve and had a great time.
Still really missing my family.
They called today and sent me some digital pictures but as I sit and am talked around because I am not an NFL fan I start missing them evenmore.
We had the Heat and Lakers game - I thoroughly enjoy the NBA by the way. I tried to ask my spouse a question he answered a quick I don't know and proceeded to continue discussing the NFL w/his sister.
Our traditions are about being inclusive and doing things as a group.
No one is left behind so to speak.
Chris's family not so much.
His Dad bombarded us with gifts and he only got three.
I felt so awful. My Mom said he probably just appreciates being with us.
I have been doing my best to keep our coffee pot full and the kitchen clean.
So that's my job today.
It's not the Christmas I had hoped for but it's mine.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

T Minus One Day

So my in-laws are coming here for Christmas.
So much to do and so little time but as I am well aware, I thrive under pressure.
Our downstairs is looking good it's our upstairs that leaves something to be desired. But hey that area us ours so we don't keep it up.
I have found a new hobby.
Earrings - making them.
Love it. And I get free jewelry.
It's so easy and people's reactions to them are awesome.
I have made several pairs for my friends at work and they have worn them every day since I have them to them. (Well over a week)
One of my other friends made me the most beautiful scarf. Love it.
Wish I was talented w/the crochet needles, no luck.
Going to miss my family but so excited for what the New Year holds and can't wait to find out how everyone liked my gifts. As a shopper by nature I love Christmas.
You get to shop, give gifts, be thankful, anticipate the New Year, and be around your loved ones.
Thank the big guy for all of this.
Merry Christmas everybody!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Christmas Time is Here Time for being broke and Time for Cheer!

Oh Alvin and the Chipmunks and their crazy high voices!
So ... just spent a lot of $ on my family shipping stuff, ordering stuff, stuff.
I love Christmas. I love finding that perfect gift that makes someone just get so excited.
I made jewelery for some of my favorite people at work and my favorite reaction was my friend Melissa who came over and squeezed me so hard she just about busted a vessle.
It's fun, it's not work.
Most of our cards are out.
Just two more to send and we are golden.
My families gifts are out.
Now I just have a few friends to wrap up and Chris and his family and I am golden.
Whenever I am feeling a little overwhelmed I just look at our tree.
We are so lucky - things are tight but at least we have things.
And most important I have my husband to spend some quality time with.
Now the trick - to survive the in laws!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Breakfast with Santa wipes this elf out...

So I did the breakfast w/Santa thing.
Very fun but needless to say once I returned after one this afternoon I was down for the count.
Hanging out with 52 adults and their children is hard work.
It was very cute when Santa came in. The faces!!!
The cutest thing the kids that kept getting back in line to sit on Santa's lap because they forgot to ask for something.
Very fun...
But I am beat and didn't accomplish much.
Have lots to do for the next few weeks so I am going to sleep and hope I do better tomorrow.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Breakfast w/Santa...

So against my better judgment tomorrow I will be participating in our annual Breakfast w/Santa at work. Tons of kids and only 6 volunteers - woo boy!
Since it's going to be a long chaotic morning I am going to say stay tuned.
I am sure I will have stories.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Two days

So it's day two of my mystery illness and I am hating it.
Not that anyone likes being sick but I am that person who goes to work and then needs to be sent home. Except this week.
I have missed two days!!!
I never miss two, one yes, two no.
I am feeling so guilty but I also now as I type this my throat is so sore it hurts to swallow and I am running a fever. HOorah...
After three days I need a doctor's excuse but here is hoping since I only slept 14 hours today instead of 16 hours yesterday I am finally kicking this thing.
We can only hope.
I need to eat some oatmeal and take a steamy shower.
As I have no voice right now.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Work Christmas Parties = bleh

Had mine Thursday night. Why must we have assigned seating? Chris and I were lucky we were seated by people we get along with but I know other people were not that fortunate.
The food was really great but there was so much of it that I didn't want to be touched at all after dinner. That is no good.

It was still very awkward - we had toasts thanking everyone for all they did. I was the last one thanked which made Chris angry since I work with everyone.

The climate at work hasn't approved much. I think the party might have made it worse.
I had a pity party with two of my coworkers yesterday over lunch and we concluded these women must be making up for not being popular in high school or frankly ever.
What's funny is the three of us talking were far from popular in high school ourselves. Two band geeks and a literary magazine editor. :)
What felt good both days was to get validation for how I felt from people who really didn't have to agree with me. Sometimes we over react to things but if felt good to have my husband say he now understood why I feel the way I do about work. And then yesterday during the pity party to have my two friends say they feel the same way I do. Our office has turned into a high school subculture and the only thing that keeps them going like me is the fact that internally we may torque off about 3-4 people but that is 3-4 out of a 800.

In the scheme of things that isn't too bad. Unfortunately some of those people from the small group can determine my promotions and raises but hey... I will survive right?
I have too and as I always say especially lately - there are people out there who have a lot worse at least I have.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Everyone was writing resumes (sung to Kung Fu Fighter)

Well... what a day what a day.
Since what news I have is highly confidential let me just say time for a new job.
Holy crap manufacturing blows...
Unless it's Harley everyone else believes in moving things away.
Thanks a lot Mr. President.

You know if our cost of living wasn't so damn high, people wouldn't have to make so much and it wouldn't cost so much to make things here and people would have jobs.
Whew... but that would be oh I don't know too easy.
We are all about the buck and what we need and what we have and mine needs to be bigger.
What about people, and values and being nice?
I am child of hippies aren't I?
I always said as long as I was loved I would be happy without money. Unfortunately our society doesn't make that very easy.

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I shouldn't be going all political and crazy on everyone's ass but geez when are we going to get it? Middle class families are being phased out. People I know that make $30,000 a year can't afford to pay their electric bills and still have food and a car.
What is wrong with that?! EVERYTHING

I am feeling the stress and now fear.
I know we will make it no matter what we always do but what about people who can't?
Who is going to take care of them?
Two of my good friends every year no matter how strapped they are do the giving tree at the mall. If I can't stop the chaos at work maybe I can make someone else happy at Christmas.
I am going to do the tree this year too.
My husband will kill me 'cause things are tight but you know what we have. I want someone else to too.
I apologize for my rant.
It happens sometimes when you feel helpless and right now I do more than I ever have.