Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Day 3

I have almost made it a full week at the new job.
Like it a lot.
Only downer the drive home.
But hey could be worse...

Monday, March 28, 2005

First Day at New Job...

Today was my first at my new job - why does the first day always feel like you do a ton but accomplished nothing?
Had a nice long lunch w/my new boss.
It's been a long time since I have had a boss who actually knows how to do my job as well as her own. We were alone for an 1hr and 1/2 and she kicked butt.
It was great for me to see how our office works.
There should be no suprises for me in regards to work load.

Everyone I work with likes to laugh and is friendly.
Don't get me wrong they are jaded but not toward each other.
Not going to jinx this so I am just going to say - it is nice to have an office w/a window. :)

To follow up on my last post.
Great sage advice from my Mom and my buddy Paulie.
If those people were really important to me in High School I would still be talking to them.
And graduation was my time to move on.
There is a new show on VH1 called my coolest years and it focuses on celebrities high school experiences. For me I thought college was my coolest bunch of years.
It's where I met the first man to break my heart and the group of friends who would help me fix it and stick by me through whatever life threw my way.
WSUW rules!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Ghosts that I would like to avoid...

Just got a notice about my 15 yr. High school class reunion.
Torn about going.
Kind of would like to go to see some people but then I think if I really wanted to see these people wouldn't I have stayed in touch?
Also these are the same group of people who ignored my all through high school but then when I was on the radio acted like we were the best of friends.
Top it off with dating a guy who was my crush only to have him dump me and say things like...
So you don't want to go to the reunion because you are fat now?
I think I have answered my own question.


Friday, March 25, 2005

Mini Vacation

So I have been on my own self imposed vacation since yesterday.
A little break in between jobs.
Even though our house is in a state I have only been doing baby steps to clean and have just been enjoying the fact I am not responsible for anything right now.
It feels really good.
Yesterday I only left our house to have dinner w/Chris.
Today I might leave to go catch a movie and tomorrow I have to run to the bank.
Otherwise I have just been hanging out in sweats watching movies and making jewelry.
It has been lovely - I am nervous to start my new job on Monday but I am sure after four days I will be ready.
Have been getting in some good bonding time w/the animals, Max especially. How we got such a great dog I don't know.
Anyway I am going to make some coffee and hang out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Last day

So far the last 3 yrs. I have been the girl everyone goes to for help at my current job. It has been stressful it has been wonderful, I have laughed and I have cried.
Tomorrow is my last day. I have decided to switch careers. As excited as I was one I got the new job I am feeling sad that I am leaving my current one.
I am going to miss so many people.
Tomorrow night they are having a party for me afterwork and I already know I won't be able to wear any mascara.
This whole thing has been such a trip and I can't believe I am leaving.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Insomniacs Unite...

Ok so I know technically 7:18 am is not getting up too early but I have actually been up since 5:30 and I didn't go to bed until after 11.
I am turning into my parents.
Living off of 4-5 hours a night.
Except here is the thing. I want to sleep more.
Just can't. Seriously considering a sleep aid.
I need my eight hours people.
That is all I am saying...

Friday, March 18, 2005

To which I say mmmm - girl I'm going to kick your a --!

So dear readers you know - oh how you know how crappy and catty some of the women in my department can be.
So I am leaving. 3 more days.
You would think they would be having a party.

Instead - one person in particular has become a nice to me in front of the temp, but curt when no one is around. Maybe she isn't enjoying the fact that EVERYONE is coming into the office and telling me how much they are going to miss me and that I can't leave.
Maybe it's because at lunch today we were joined by two of my former students because they wanted to hang w/me before I left.
Maybe it's because it's being slapped in her face that I am really a good person and well she sucks. Whatever the reason it is taking all my willpower not to clock her.
If she comes to my going away party it might happen people.

The straw for me was today at lunch said students sat down w/us. Immediately she did not hide her disgust and throughout the meal said I am just going to go. I am ready to go.
Sucked down her lunch and left us. The remainder of the afternoon she shot me looks everytime someone has come in to say goodbye.

I am sorry you hate me but you know what you suck.
You are a middle aged woman who can't stand the fact that you will never be more than what you are. A mean bitter woman.
My Mom is in her age range and is the nicest person in the world. She would never treat people the way this person does. So you can't attribute piss poor attitudes to age.
You might say maybe it's because she had no education and has had the same job and has worked at the same place for 25 yrs. Hello - that is half our facility and let me tell you we have some seriously sweet ladies out there. Just so nice.

Maybe it's because she was in a bad relationship.
Really what woman hasn't been? I have - I am still nice to people.
Maybe it's because she has low self esteem. See breast implants that she tells anyone/everyonee about.
Maybe just maybe, it's because she is a jerk.

And you know what she is. Anyone who has made it their mission to treat other people poorly and enjoys it deserves all the bitter things life hands them.
I got my justice.
I am moving on and I am really happy.
And maybe that is why she is being mean to me - I am happy.
Whatever the case, give me strength to hold it together.
We can't afford any bail. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So I am a little weirded out and taken aback.
Annie my dear friend, clued me in to the fact that Bob Mould has a blog. I know, I know, other celebrities have blogs.
But it's Bob Mould.
Husker Du
Bob Mould
You may have heard of him/them. Bob Mould - and I am reading his daily thoughts just like you can read mine.
Doesn't seem right, does it?
Bob Mould to me was one of the first songwriters to give my life a soundtrack. A soundtrack for a very personal time in my life. And now I can see pictures of him drinking coffee in a recording studio and read about what he thinks about the state of things.
I am simply blown away.
Yep, I am a music geek.

Monday, March 14, 2005

7 days and counting til new job


Wednesday, March 09, 2005


So today at work we were bitching - shocker and we started talking about what we would do if we didn't work.
I promptly said I would love to write a book people would read and then live off the proceeds.
To which my coworkers inspired me w/a theme and title.
So I am going to and if I am successful will send some cash their way.
It will be about me but not me in particular rather my adventures in my workplace and prior.
Wish me luck - I tried to do the novel via blog and that crashed. I think it did though because I wasn't writing what I knew, but rather what I thought I did.
This stuff I know and most of it is fricking funny.
I think...

Monday, March 07, 2005


More people are hearing that I am leaving as such more people are coming up and telling me how much I will be missed.
Isn't it terrible someone has to leave in order for others to tell them thank you?

Saturday, March 05, 2005

New Job, New Look , New Attitude

So I have a new job. Start at the end of the month. Took about 4 days off in between jobs.
Decided to go w/said new job I would get a big girl haircut - big girl job need big girl haircut.
Went to a pretty trendy salon in Madison that Beth swears by and unbeknownst to me got a great write up in Madison's women's magazine. Oh and did I mention a former friend from high school owns it? He does.
It was awesome. I got free coffee and a hand massage and was treated like a princess.
I now have dark adult hair. I made it clear that an adult hair cut to me is scary I don't want to look like I should be wearing a reindeer sweater or anything.
I don't. It looks great and will go well with my evergrowing suit wardrobe. Yes I have a job where I wear suits. It's a little daunting.
I don't have to wear them everyday but when I do client visits I do.
I have never had a big girl job. I have always been the assistant to so and so.
It's scary and exciting. My pay has changed. I am now a salaried person. Plus commission.
Also scary...
Welcome to land of the big boys.
Hope they will let me and my little girl voice play.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Time to Change

It is official I am changing jobs.
Very afraid to tell my current employer tomorrow but it has to be done.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


So I have been applying like a crazy woman to different jobs in Madison.
So of I have made farther than others.
The best experience so far has been w/Adecco.
They are looking for a Staffing Recruiter/Office Supervisor person for their East side location.
Every women I met w/because fyi all the powerful people are women have been there along time and love it.
Every person I met was smiling and nice.
You can't fake that people. I welcome new hires all the time I am not always smiling and my coworkers rarely are.
She is in the midst of checking my references and if all goes well I maybe heading to bigger things.
I never thought I would be a staffing person but here I am.
I hope