Sunday, October 21, 2007

Seriously ironic...

So I have been coerced into joining MySpace by some friends and family members. To be honest it has been a great way for me to keep tabs on my younger brother. He and his girlfriend are both avid users and are great about sending me pictures via their sites.
It has also been an interesting way to find people that I wouldn't say I want to get back in touch with, but definitely am curious about.
One person in particular is now married with children. Not surprising since we are all heading to that age where you are either married or you are not. The irony is this person was a serious womanizer and from what I can see of his site still fancies himself a ladies man. A serious ladies man who is now the father of two daughters. Hopefully he will remember how he was a young man and properly advise his daughters on how to deal with guys like him.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cold Season is Here

I am home sick. This is my 2nd day this year already. The first time was for Gabby, now it's for me. I worry she and I are just swapping this cold back and forth. Fingers crossed we are not. At least if we are she has a doctors appointment tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

She can sit!!!

My little person is fast approaching 4 months and is beginning to sit up unassisted. She still is not in crawling mode. She is not a fan of tummy time but put my daughter on her back and she scoots and rolls like a pro. I can not believe how fast she is growing.

Bonus I made her laugh!