Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shhh you are hurting my brain

Do you ever have so much coming at you, you want to tuck tail and run? That has been my last two days. I would just like a little breaky break you know?
Sometimes you just need people to listen and not tell you what to do, or not have your employer call you twice within an hour on your day off about things that really could have waited til Monday, or finally have people get to the point.
In the scheme of things it's nothing traumatic. It's just my noggin saying - take a vacation. Thankfully I have one coming up. Nothing fancy just a few days at home with my favorite little person and a trip to the Harley happenings in Milwaukee with my parents.
So I am going to take a deep breath and slug some soda and chill. :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Am I Middle Aged?

Seriously am I middle aged now and didn't realize it?! Is it good I am unaware that I am? I don't think I am in denial, I just truly don't know when it starts.
Also, I don't think I appear middle aged. Nor do my friends. I always thought we were cool and unique when we were younger, but now. We are all simply amazing.
Some of us work in fancy museums, some of us play in really good rock bands, some of us can be heard on the morning radio, and some of us work with rock stars. One of us is embracing being a Mommy a little later than most of her high school compadres. Not bad for a bunch of old people.
This all kind of bubbled up recently when my boss realized I had almost a decade on her in age. Some of my coworkers I have 15 years on! Which I kind of like. It makes me appreciate how much my life has changed. Not that it's easier I have just learned (finally) there are more important things. I still have alot of my quirks and worries that I carried around when I was 25 and even 15. Now I just now when to drop it and go play ball with my favorite little person.

Friday, July 18, 2008

My Baby is a drama queen

Gabby is a little dramatic. Today while having lunch out with a good friend of mine she proceeded to wave and high five every patron who walked by. Then when she was ignored, she would scrunch up her mouth until it touched her little nose and look at us forlornly. At one point she got mad at me because she wanted my straw and hit me in the face. Then when I turned away from her started to blow me kisses. I am in a lot of trouble ....

Friday, July 04, 2008

I love the Holiday Weekend

Another long weekend with my husband. I love having extra time with Chris and Gabby. Today we went to a parade. Her first. She was pretty happy until one of the floats came by squirting water. Not cool.
Tomorrow on tap a visit to the Madison Zoo and wrapping up Sunday a visit to A&W for some yummy food.
Of course peppered with our infamous family naps. The three of us hit the couch and nap.
It's very nice.
Why can't summer be longer?