Monday, September 29, 2008

Off to KC I Go...

My Mom shattered her ankle last week. As a result I am heading off to KC with Gabby to take care of Mom. If nothing else to keep her some company as she is confined to a wheelchair for a minimum of 6 wks.
Feeling some guilt as it is only the first month of school but in reality it is 10 days I won't teach. (Six classes for my 4's and four classes for my 3's) Still I am stressing. I have been frantically getting things done before I go. I hope to have it all done tomorrow so I can focus on laundry and packing.
Keep your fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to read about your mom's should make sure to make the best of the time, enjoy the surprise break from work!

beth said...

Give your mom a hug for me!