Saturday, July 31, 2004

No pain no gain right?

So I have been up since 7 this morning. Our dog seems to always choose me to be his morning buddy. Probably because my husband can sleep through - anything. Especially a 70 lb. Lab sitting on him. I can not. Especially when I am sore.
So last night I went to the gym and took Chris with me. I worked out like a woman with a mission. Which I am but that doesn't mean a girl has to get all crazy.
Yet I did...
Let me put this way, this is my first time in a gym.
Never been on a treadmill.
I was going faster than the very fit woman jogging next to me. Who later commented on what a power walker I was. My legs are fine.
My abs on the other hand...
I used this thing where you sit and basically bend forward lifting weight at the same time.
For some reason I am under the misconception I am an athlete.
I decided 3 reps of 30 at 50lbs. - would be wise.
Not today.
Oh and if you do a thing called the hip abduction - wear pants.
So what have we learned?
Sick as this sounds - I like working out. Love it in fact. Oh and try to work out in pants.
I am sore but it felt awesome pounding on that treadmill. My stress from work gone.
And I have frickin' strong legs! :)

Friday, July 30, 2004

Baby's first Blog

So I am surrounded by very talented individuals.
Artists, writers, actors, women who are crafty, men who are athletes, people who are a little of both.
But what am I?
A little bi-polar - maybe but that's not why we are here.
We are here because these same said people do something regularly that I don't.
Something on a regular basis.
So I am starting two today.
Working out and writing. Since I can't seem to hold a pen after 8 hours at work but ironically have no problem typing - I am going with a blog.
The workout thing is more complicated - I will muse later.
Here's hoping I don't piss anyone off or scare anyone away.
Buena suerte a mi.