Friday, December 29, 2006

Is it weird?

That I just spent an hour downloading songs on my iPod? I downloaded about 14 songs. From Ok Go to Lyndard Skynard. I love music. Ok I know we all do but isn't amazing how a song can completely change your mood? Make you think back, sad, happy, want to kick the walls? And you can be 20 years older or younger than someone walk a completely different life but a song can bring you together.
Whoever called Rock n Roll the devils music sure got it wrong.

In other news I am making my first trip to Baby's R Us today. I heard they have this thing that can help you continue to wear your own jeans through your pregnancy. I know silly but I don't want to buy a ton of maternity wear. I would rather use that money on the baby you know?
Also I have discovered some interesting ways to wear clothes that I normally wouldn't wear and they have become my new "maternity uniform" as my husband calls it.
Long sleeved plain t, little cami, sweater, jeans and boots.
Layering is key right now since my temperature changes like the wind.
I am finally embracing my baby bump and actually had my radio boss tell me I truly am glowing. So sweet.

I feel good. Still a little queasy but that seems to be on the days my hormone levels are peaking or I have eaten something I shouldn't. See sugar. :)
I am so excited to be a Mom. I am starting to cry while I type this. Ah hormones.
It is amazing there is a little person in my tummy.
All the crap I have gone through brought me here.
I have noticed since I have become pregnant I have really started to look at things very differently. I have always have tried hard to accept everyone, give everyone a chance.
Now I notice go with the flow and let life take its course.
Kindness goes so far. Letting go and breathing helps you be kind.

So I am breathing a lot especially when I am driving!!!
Be kind, be kind, breath even if the guy in front of me cut me off!!! :)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Say it ain't so...

So is Thursday.
I have about 4 more days left of vacation.
Wish it was more.
It has been so nice to sleep in and do things at my pace, which right now is slow.
I have been putting off the errand running but must succumb today.
Going to sneak a movie in with my aunt and grab some lunch.
Ok not a bad day, I just hate being near stores this time of year!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Butterscotch pudding equals perfect Christmas Breakfast

So I am finally hitting the stage in my pregancy where I don't sick as much but I am hungry a lot!
Case in point it is very early Christmas morning and we are not going anywhere but I am up.
I must feed my tummy.
For whatever reason said tummy suggested pudding. I felt bad for my dog he got all excited thinking this meant he is out for the morning and gets his breakfast too.
Not quite yet.
We have been invited to my Aunts for Christmas brunch and or dinner but have opted to stay home. I love them but Chris is having a hard time this year without his Dad as am I. We thought it might be nice to have one day.
Then I am on vacation for a whole week!!!!
I am very excited as there is much around our house I want to do.
Specifically start getting the baby's room in order.
I really miss my folks right now and am excited the baby gives Mom and I a reason to talk everyday.
I hope all of you have a great day.
Time to eat my puding :).

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Yummy in my tummy

We finally made it to see my Aunt and Uncle in Milwaukee. They made us a delicious meal and I got to see my younger cousins who I never see and who are frankly amazing.
One goes to film school in New York and lives in Brooklyn. The other is on her way to Florida for college at 16!
Smart and cool.

My family is serious foodies and every member of this family can cook.
The conversation is fun and it was just a wonderful laid back night.
Hooray for the holidays!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Overwhelmed in the best way possible...

So lots going on.
First one of my oldest, bestest friends had her baby.
Welcome to the world Ruby Rose!

I heard my little one's heartbeat!!!!
My little tummy dweller is very cooperative she/he followed the audio tool around. It now has it me I am going to be a mommy!!!

Between today and yesterday I have gotten over 20 presents from my kids and staff mates!!!
I love Christmas getting gifts for others but it is always so amazing and shocking when others do it for you.

Life is pretty amazing isn't?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Hamburgers rule

You probably already knew this, but really I have come to enjoy them so much. And salty fries. Not much stays in my tummy but burgers do. It makes me so happy. I feel like the fast food people know me now. :)

Our Christmas tree and decorations are up. Very pleased. We still have some last minute cards to get out and some presents but otherwise all is well.

I am so excited for my break!!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Baby Belly

It is official I now have one.
My husband actually said while we were cleaning tonight "Wow honey you so have a baby belly."
If I can figure it out I will take a picture and you can see for yourself.
In some clothes the baby belly is in full effect in others just looks like I might have a drinking problem. (Beer gut)

I can tell I am getting further along because I take a lot of breaks.
I have been putting up Christmas decorations and have had to sit down several times tonight.
In fact I think my bedtime is coming up.

I know I have been blogging alot about this baby but I feel like it will be something nice for me to look back on as the baby grows.
Silly I know...


Finally starting to decorate for Christmas.
I love this time of year.
My favorite thing presents for my family and friends.
Hope everyone likes them.
Only thing that could be better, being with them.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Thankful for the snow

Because it is covering up our yard!
We are still trying to figure out how to tend to our yard, the new snow kind of hides that fact.

I turned the big 35 this week.
Pretty uneventful and that is ok!
Chris got me the new Beatles cd and it is awesome.
Love it!
Each song is remixed and made up of other Beatles songs.
I play the guess what Beatles song this came from when I drive to work.
I kind of suck at it but whatever.

I got my family's Christmas shopping done and packages have been sent out.
I have a few more things for my Mom and hope to get those out yet this week.
We still need to decorate and do Christmas cards.
I feel like with both of us being sick we kind of dropped the ball.
The nice thing is I am getting every other weekend off at the radio station.
The rest is nice.