Monday, November 28, 2005

Special Visit

My Dad is in town for week this week. Normally that would mean I would not see him or get a call from him because his company believes in working everything. His evenings end late and his mornings start early.
This trip he is coming to see me. Might have something to do w/my birthday but regardless it is nice to see my Dad. I love my Mom to pieces but if you met my Dad, well it becomes obvious who I favor. My Dad taught me to appreciate a good book, good music, and good coffee. Three things I enjoy thoroughly.
He also taught me some pretty sucky life lessons but you need those too right?
My favorite story about my Dad.
He is a story teller my whole family story tellers...
One year during elementary school he had my convinced that he was John Lennon. So much so that I took my Sgt. Pepper's album to gradeschool and told my class my Dad was John Lennon. I also believed he was a member of the Band.
that is my Dad and I can't wait to see him.
He has had a tough time loosing his Mom and I know as a result he is making time for all of us because like it or not you don't always have enough.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Modified Business Hours Rule!!!!

So the last couple of days not only have I been able to wear jeans, but I also get to work between 8-3. It is amazing what sleeping in and leaving early can do for your disposition!!!

It is snowing like crazy here and of course no plowed roads. I made it home ok despite mutliple accidents and idiots.
Took Mr. Max outside and we played in the snow, my dog likes whitewashes.
So funny.

Now time to put on my comfy clothes and knit.
I love Wisconsin.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving and Life gets in the way...

So I have frantically trying to write a novel as a part of the annual November novel blog contest. 50,000 words in a month. So I am not there, life got in the way.

But I got started and have been keeping it up, I will certainly not make my deadline but I am going to continue. And maybe instead of reading what I wrote on my blog you will read it in print, real print the kind you have to pay for.

I am so glad for today it is a break that I always enjoy. Food and relaxation - what a great holiday. Right? It is just Chris and I this year. As it was last year and we are eating, watching football and putting up Christmas decorations. It is a good thing.

It has been a rough couple of months for us and through it all my husband has been amazing.
I am not sure what I did to get him but I am thankful for him.
And you my friends.
Thank you.

Happy Turkey day although we will be eating little hens!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Taking a Little Siesta

It is NaWriMO time... that means I am going to try and write a novel.
If you are nice I might share it w/you.
What that means... a little break from this blog.
Wish me luck.

Big Sigh of Relief

Even though I have been sick, work has been good. I really do have nice coworkers. They bought my cold medicine, soda and food. Have gone out of their way to take care of me.
Also my boss was cool when I told her the new position was not for me.
I have had some rocky times but honestly if has been worth it to get here.
And so we sigh.