Friday, December 30, 2005

Soon a New Year

I can not believe we are on the verge of 2006. Remember when you were little and you thought the 90's seemed so far away?
Here is hoping the New Year is a good one.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Wherein the pen meets my Eye...

Oh to be on vacation. Instead I am at the day job all week and the part time job all weekend. I know I shouldn't complain the extra money is nice but so are my weekends, and I miss my husband. You know?

Work was rough. I really like my new coworker. I had a person who didn't change their address w/the post office pitch a fit because they did not receive their check. After said person left I asked Dan if I could swear he said go for it. I have not swore like that in a long time.
Felt good.

I recommend it. :)
Swear you will like it.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Holidays

I had today off and got to spend some time w/Bethie. We did some shopping at the shops in my town and had a great lunch. Tomorrow Chris's Dad will be here to spend Christmas with us and thankfully I have the 26th off. Unfortunately I think I will be working all New Years at the radio station, so no kiss from my honeyat midnight.

I am so excited for tomorrow I am going to continue my cookie baking kick and enjoy our Christmas decorations.

Happy Holidays to everyone - my Christmas wish? Listen to the new song by the Goo Goo Dolls Better Days I think that sums it up.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Add It Up

My Christmas shopping is almost done and here I am at the place I was before.
However I was able to really do some special things for people that I normally don't get to. So I won't get down about this too much. As I am well aware of myself I seem to always land on my feet. Not necesarily gracefully but I do land.

I have had the last 2 days off and it has been lovely. I have mostly been running errands but it has been great just to have that time. I bonded w/my dog. Also went crazy on the cookie supply purchases. I am going to bake tomorrow. Pretty excited. This will be my first try at this but I know it is a tradition of my husband's.

I would be remiss if I didn't say how badly I miss my folks. I try not to go there right now. I am trying not to unleash my triggers so to speak.
I am not going to lay myself completely bare here so I will just end.

Besides I hear another chick flick calling my name.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

One thing down a bunch to go...

So cards are close to being done. We still have a few stragglers but for the most aprt they should be in the mail tomorrow. I have decided to wait until Friday to mail my Mom's gift. I will just have to pay a ton to get it to her on time. UGH
Also not done w/shopping oops...It will all work itself out.

Again I am so excited for my vacation!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Where does the time go?

I am trying not to freak out here but I would like to mention - we have not sent out our Christmas cards!!!
And I have not sent out my Mom's final present.
Breathe, breathe...
However I have 2 days off this week so I am going to try and wrap everything up.
Wish me luck.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas - It is Coming...

My Dad was here and we celebrated my birthday at my favorite restaurant. It was very bittersweet. I hardly ever see my Dad and to be honest 3 hours is not enough. Just makes me miss them more you know? Especially around the holidays. Thanksgiving not as much. Christmas a ton. No matter what our financial situation Christmas(s) in my house were always so cool.

Our house was always decorated and there were tons of cookies around. It was just magical. My family very much believes in gifts with meaning not a high ticket price. So every year we would see who could get the cooler gifts. One year it was the cheesiest. I won. I got my Dad a velvet Elvis painting. It was just fun. I hope when I have kids they realize it really is about the magic of it all. Making those around you smile and appreciating what you have and of course celebrating the birth of the big guy who gave us all those things.

Hopefully next year I will get to be with my folks. For now my animals, husband, and father in law will do just fine.