Monday, December 01, 2008

Three years and counting...

Saturday I turned 37. To be honest not too eventful. Once I turned 35 I have kind of been whatever about my birthdays. In this day and age - age truly is just a number. My Gabby gets more amazing as the days go by and I can't believe she is mine. She is a sweet, smart, funny, loving girl. How did I get so lucky?
Things are still all bizarre on the home front - mostly my doing. Something that has happened to me as I move closer to my 40's. I have become less complacent. I find aside from Gabby I enjoy my own company. Which is a problem when you are married. It is becoming a problem. I am perfectly content to do my own thing. When did this happen? Is this normal?
So then I pose this question - am I looser if I have to move to KC in live in my parent's basement for awhile?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Where to Begin?!

Let's start with the cool - Gabby is now almost 17 months. She is a riot and I count myself lucky to be her Mommy. She is very sweet and smart and I feel like we are truly partners in crime.

The weather is being pretty cooperative, we are on a verge of an amazing election. What are we going to do when this thing ends tonight?! And without a lot of crazy dieting on my part I have managed to loose 7lbs!
Now for the not so cool. My Mom is still in a cast, our neighbors trimmed our tree, and my husband and I are having some issues. What makes me a little sad is I kind of am at peace with things. What will happen will happen and we did our best. I love my husband but I feel like we have graduated from married couple to roommates. What's worse is I feel like he is kind of ok with that...
Finally there is the bizarre - o. A random email from an ex who I haven't hear from in 5 years!!!!
Is there a full moon no one told me about?!
What you gonna do right? As my friends on Yo Gabba Gabba would say - Keep smiling...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Off to KC I Go...

My Mom shattered her ankle last week. As a result I am heading off to KC with Gabby to take care of Mom. If nothing else to keep her some company as she is confined to a wheelchair for a minimum of 6 wks.
Feeling some guilt as it is only the first month of school but in reality it is 10 days I won't teach. (Six classes for my 4's and four classes for my 3's) Still I am stressing. I have been frantically getting things done before I go. I hope to have it all done tomorrow so I can focus on laundry and packing.
Keep your fingers crossed!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I need to take a deep breath and could use a big glass of wine. BIG. I am experiencing a lot of inner turmoil. I need to vent but I am hesitant to air too much of my dirty laundry. You know?
I have been feeling a lot of pressure not at work but at home. I feel like I am talking and behaving in circles. How often can you say the same thing and not have it change, and at what point do you say enough? Then I think what I am complaining about? I have so much, I have a beautiful amazing child yet I still feel this space that needs to be filled. I just need to figure out with what. At this particular moment - a huge peanut butter chunk cookie would certainly help...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Internet brings out the Idiots

It has been a long couple of weeks. On one hand great. My parents took Gabby giving us some much needed couple time. Then they came and visited which was lots of fun. I love seeing my daughter entertain her Grandparents and them try to entertain her. She stamps her feet and spins in a circle ala Happy Feet when she dances - which is all the time. She even puts her little arms above her head while she twirls.
On top of it she has figured out how to do head stands.
On the flipside a good friend of mine lost a loved one. Due to the circumstances the press got involved which in turn made a personal loss a public thing. Let's just say it's easy to say things when no one can see you. However I would love for any of those people to say those things to my face.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


So my little one is at her Ada and Nana's in KC and I am trying really hard not to feel guilt. I miss her so badly I can hardly eat or think. I know she is in the 2nd best place in the world and this is as good as for her as it is for us, but God this is hard. I am struggling just looking at her toys.
She was such a good traveler. We drove to KC in two days and stayed overnight and she was just awesome. She was probably less crabby than her Mommy and Daddy. And for the record - Iowa is boring. Oh my it goes on and on. The people are very nice and parts are pretty but you hit the middle and ugh. I have never lived in the country so after awhile I had seen enough.
On the flip side the Iowa/WI border - beautiful. WOW.
So here I am trying to eat some time 'til Thursday when she arrives with her Grandparents. Then she and I partake in the Harley Davidson festivities with her Grandpa.
Now I just have to make it til then.....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

She can find her toes...

Gabby is now 14 months.
I already think she is pretty cool but now her coolness has gone up a level because:
  • she can show you her toes when asked
  • can find the color red in a book
  • just about feed herself
  • can walk
  • sings
  • reads books - among her favorites: Go Dog Go
  • thinks she is making Max sit and the cats when she has food in her hand
  • gives hugs and kisses
  • dances to Weezer and RunDMC with Mommy
  • is simply amazing...

She is beyond remarkable. It is fun to see her do things for the first time. Like walk barefoot or eat a new food. I am starting to understand how people end up with more than one child. Then they become teenagers. Yikes!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Comfort Zones, Contractors, and a week solo...

This week are house is invaded. By contractors. In theory it should all be finished by next week but until then craziness will be in full effect. We are having our house resided and new carpet and wood put in. So if there isn't someone outside there will be someone inside. Which if it was just me - no biggie. However I have a baby, two cats, and a dog. I am going to have to do some creative activities to occupy all. Wish me luck. When it is all done I think our house will look great it is just getting there.
Today I am talking a class. It's a beading class. I can already make some jewelry but it would be nice to learn how to use the tools I have bought. I am a little nervous because it is a bunch of strangers making beaded stuff but I think it will be fun.
Finally in about two weeks I am allowing my little sweetheart some time with her grandparents. I am beyond nervous. I think she will do fabu, me - my heart will be breaking a little. Even on our worst days I am nutso for her. It will be hard but I think good. And good practice because in Feb. - Jamaica for our 5 year anniversary baby!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Can It Be the Weekend All the Time?

What a great weekend and it's only Saturday! Chris and I checked out our local farmer's market. It isn't too big but it was nice to be outside and we have a really nice revamped downtown. And of course Double G was thrilled.
Next onto Best Buy. We needed batteries and wanted to get our hands on the new Weezer cd. Of course since both of us like electronics the trip ran long, causing G to get squirmy so we split up. As I am alone in the computer bag aisle I hear a young child yell. Of course it was mine. She just wanted to remind everyone she was in the store.
Last stop Target. We misplaced G's sandal and needed a bathroom shelf. Said sandal indeed was at Target and we located the shelf.
We got some toys for us and some yummy fresh produce. Squeezed in some Wii bowling and had some outside time with G.
Now if she sleeps through the night it will be perfect.
Now I know why Bob Geldof hates Mondays...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shhh you are hurting my brain

Do you ever have so much coming at you, you want to tuck tail and run? That has been my last two days. I would just like a little breaky break you know?
Sometimes you just need people to listen and not tell you what to do, or not have your employer call you twice within an hour on your day off about things that really could have waited til Monday, or finally have people get to the point.
In the scheme of things it's nothing traumatic. It's just my noggin saying - take a vacation. Thankfully I have one coming up. Nothing fancy just a few days at home with my favorite little person and a trip to the Harley happenings in Milwaukee with my parents.
So I am going to take a deep breath and slug some soda and chill. :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Am I Middle Aged?

Seriously am I middle aged now and didn't realize it?! Is it good I am unaware that I am? I don't think I am in denial, I just truly don't know when it starts.
Also, I don't think I appear middle aged. Nor do my friends. I always thought we were cool and unique when we were younger, but now. We are all simply amazing.
Some of us work in fancy museums, some of us play in really good rock bands, some of us can be heard on the morning radio, and some of us work with rock stars. One of us is embracing being a Mommy a little later than most of her high school compadres. Not bad for a bunch of old people.
This all kind of bubbled up recently when my boss realized I had almost a decade on her in age. Some of my coworkers I have 15 years on! Which I kind of like. It makes me appreciate how much my life has changed. Not that it's easier I have just learned (finally) there are more important things. I still have alot of my quirks and worries that I carried around when I was 25 and even 15. Now I just now when to drop it and go play ball with my favorite little person.

Friday, July 18, 2008

My Baby is a drama queen

Gabby is a little dramatic. Today while having lunch out with a good friend of mine she proceeded to wave and high five every patron who walked by. Then when she was ignored, she would scrunch up her mouth until it touched her little nose and look at us forlornly. At one point she got mad at me because she wanted my straw and hit me in the face. Then when I turned away from her started to blow me kisses. I am in a lot of trouble ....

Friday, July 04, 2008

I love the Holiday Weekend

Another long weekend with my husband. I love having extra time with Chris and Gabby. Today we went to a parade. Her first. She was pretty happy until one of the floats came by squirting water. Not cool.
Tomorrow on tap a visit to the Madison Zoo and wrapping up Sunday a visit to A&W for some yummy food.
Of course peppered with our infamous family naps. The three of us hit the couch and nap.
It's very nice.
Why can't summer be longer?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What do I say?!

Ugh. So as most of you know my parents do not live nearby. That means someone is always traveling to see the other person. This year it has been me and my little one. Three times since Christmas. So Chris and I thought it might be nice to invite Grandma to come visit and we would fly her out.
I guessed incorrectly, I think.
I was discussing this topic with my Mom and she asked me how much vacation time I get and if I had any left. I answered her and she asked why didn't I just come see her. To which I said I am teaching a Spanish class until the fall and no one else can teach it, also I have my Preschool classes. She said and I may be misquoting a little because I am ornery about it "I don't know what the big deal is, you are just a glorified babysitter..."
I know that is the perception many people have in regards to my job and I have learned to shrug it off. Usually. But my own Mom?!
Now I am at a loss, do I say anything? Do I ignore it? Do I eat a pint of ice cream?
These are all things I need to remember so when Gabby is older- I think about what I say and how I say it, so as not to hurt her feelings.
We'll see how that goes too.... :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

She's a Toddler!

My little one is One!

No longer a baby but a toddler. In my mind she will always be a baby but according to all the books Toddler.

She is afraid of monkeys (ironic since that is her nickname), she is a little bit of a neat freak, and loves Cheerios. And I am crazy about her.
We survived the first year, can't wait for the next one!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Back from KC

Gabby and I just got back from a week in KC with my parents. You don't realize you need a vacation sometimes until you are on it. You also don't realize you have stress until you are away from it. I think I have been fooling myself about a couple of things and being away kind of brought them to the surface.
Just means I need to do some retooling to try and make things right and lessen the stress.
I know my folks are only an hour away by plane but it doesn't seem close enough. Especially when I see Gabby with her Grandparents.
She changed a lot in a week.
I have the best baby ever people. Seriously!
For once in my life I actually look like I went on vacation too.
Wish I was still on it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

End of the Year Craziness...

My school year is winding down and the craziness has begun. Trying to organize field trips, graduations, order yearbooks, clean rooms, and get things off the walls and back to parents.
Luckily I have made sure to take a week for myself before the Summer session starts.
I am off to KC with my little one. I am really hoping she is walking before said trip because it will break Chris's heart if she takes her first step at her Grandparent's house.
Last trip she had a bunch of firsts without her Dad present.
Have been trying to make more time for myself. However, I feel like the more I do that the more I slack in other places. Like cleaning the house.
My house is not clean people.
It's shameful, and I am some one's Mom! :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Retail Therapy

Beth is was in town this weekend and we got to literally spend the whole Saturday together. It was so awesome. I love Gabby but it was nice to spend some time with someone who can respond to me when I talk. I was laughing so hard I seriously thought I was going to wet myself a few times yesterday!
It's hard having such a great friend so far away but I think it speaks to our friendship that even though we aren't in the same state we do have such a great time together. We both are going through growing pains in regards to certain things and it felt good to have someone to commiserate with. It's hard being a grown up! :)
She got to spend some time with my favorite under 4 foot person and we had a yummy lunch together. Bonus we got to visit with one of our good friends as well.
Maybe someday when we are all in our twilight years we will all be in the same place.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Spring Craziness

Spring is here and I am really happy to be able to open up the house. Unfortunately being a home owner during the Spring means having to do Spring yard work. Which for us can be a hassle. We have 3 full grown tress and no amount of raking gets all the leaves let alone the branches. I did branch patrol on our front yard today and will be hitting the leaves tomorrow.
Our inside is suffering as well. I enjoy cleaning but it's the getting started that is tough. Wish we had a maid! And a butler, nanny, and a lawn guy.
Oh well, I guess that's me. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My last vacation was in Dec. We spent Christmas with my folks which was great but getting there was a nightmare thanks to Mother Nature.
This time around Gabby and I are flying alone to KC. My parents have moved and will only be in their house a day.
I am excited and am ready for a break but also a little nervous to fly alone with a baby. Gabby is a pretty mellow kid but she is teething so her emotions are not her own.
Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am the Mom of a Firecracker

According to several coworkers who have met Gabby - she is a firecracker.
It is no shock to my Mom that my daughter is a firecracker. In her words "She takes after her Mom." Am I firecracker?
But aside from being a explosive we played with as kids on the 4th what is a firecracker?
Having a temper? Speaking your mind?
Not sure but Gabby does like to let you know when she doesn't like something and is straight to the point. :)
Also, she is a character, she gets this look in her eye and you know that you better watch out.
Regardless she is mine and I think she is pretty awesome.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

White stuff....

I know we live in Wisconsin. I also know that as a result we get snow... but come one people!

This is crazy! I love snow and sun and the crisp feel of winter, what hasn't been cool the scary condition of the roads and how quickly people forget to drive on them.

But hey... I have my little buddy. :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Today is Mardi Gras, I don't celebrate it 'cause I live in WI.
However my dear friend Bethie does. She was impacted by Hurricane Katrina and now several years later it's still impacting people. (Beth included)
Right before Beth's wedding I was lucky enough to check out NOLA. What a cool city, and the people are beyond nice.
So why or why have we not done more to help those folks?
As this election year comes to be, question those politicians. We came together for 9/11 why is this different?
As many a celeb would say - MAKE IT RIGHT...
I have been watching Ellen and she as many know is a native of NOLA.
Thus my soapbox rant... I apologize.
One of the best ways to help.
Go visit, and not just for Mardi Gras. It is a great place even without all the beads.
Yummy food, warm weather, cool things to see, and really nice people.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Lunch Out

Now that we are parents unfortunately we do not get the luxury of meals out. Today was the exception. We ventured out to our favorite Mexican restaurant with Gabby in tow. She ate some lunch too and made friends with the waiters. It was so nice to be somewhere where someone else did the work and we were made to feel welcome eventhough we had a little one. We then moved on to Target where Gabby made friends with our fellow shoppers by throwing smiles their way. How again I ask did I get such a sweet baby?

I am a pretty lucky Mom.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Magic Words

Gabby said Mama.
I even have witnesses.
I didn't think it was possible to be anymore crazy about her, but hearing her say Mama.
Dang! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008


How lucky am I to have this little person in my life?!

Everyday I am simply dumbfounded by how cool she is. She was awesome 7 months ago but each day she does something that blows me away. Like figuring out waving. Granted she is doing it backwards but she is getting it. Or blowing bubbles. Again they are quite messy but she is getting it. Or that she doesn't like chicken but rather beef. And really can we blame her?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One of my worst...

So I have many fears being a new Mom. MANY. One came to fruition yesterday.
Gabby rolled off her changing table. I had her by her ankle as I always have one hand on her but she is really starting to move and she moved her way all the way off the table. Which is three feet high and we have wood floors.
I was so upset I couldn't even speak on the phone to her doctor's office. I ripped my boss's head off and was near hysterical when my husband came into her room.
Thankfully it scared both of us more than anything.
She has no marks and was in good spirits all day yesterday. Just was a snuggle bug.
Needless to say we stayed home with her.
To think this is only the beginning.
I really am not looking forward to what else is in store.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's Possible

So Gabby and I believe very strongly that the Packers won because she and I both wore Packer gear. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Breakfast of Champions...

My dear friend Annie celebrated the virtues of a yellow cake with chocolate frosting recently in her blog. This morning I was fortunate enough to have not only a big slice of that for breakfast but also so yummy coffee. My parents bought me a new coffee maker and it is lovely. Basically you insert a packet push a button and viola coffee. Fantastic.
Bonus to this morning The Aviator is on. I am fascinated with Howard Hughes. Not sure why and didn't get a chance to see this when it came out. Also my favorite baby is watching it with me. She has developed a hilarious personality and is rarely not happy. We are very fortunate.
Back to the movie....
Have a mentioned how much I love Saturdays?