Monday, December 01, 2008

Three years and counting...

Saturday I turned 37. To be honest not too eventful. Once I turned 35 I have kind of been whatever about my birthdays. In this day and age - age truly is just a number. My Gabby gets more amazing as the days go by and I can't believe she is mine. She is a sweet, smart, funny, loving girl. How did I get so lucky?
Things are still all bizarre on the home front - mostly my doing. Something that has happened to me as I move closer to my 40's. I have become less complacent. I find aside from Gabby I enjoy my own company. Which is a problem when you are married. It is becoming a problem. I am perfectly content to do my own thing. When did this happen? Is this normal?
So then I pose this question - am I looser if I have to move to KC in live in my parent's basement for awhile?


Anonymous said...


You have to do what will make you happy and successful. That's what separates the winners from the losers. If living with Mom and Dad for a while is a stepping stone, then so be it.

Happy belated B-Day!

beth said...


You will never be a loser, no matter which way this goes. :)

Much love and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hi Caprise,

Hope you are well and that 2009 is being good to you!