Tuesday, July 25, 2006

T Minus 3

Days until I am a part time person
No full time...
So scared...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Trying not to flip my lid...

Two things:

I hate liars and people who don't follow through.

Lastly - Karma comes back at you. Bear that in the mind the next time you don't think about someone else.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Keeping the cards close to me...

One of my sweet friends (Paulie :) ) pointed out that I haven't really been blogging about how I am.
So here it goes.

I am a little stressed and very excited. One big ball. I am officially two weeks away from only working part time. I am very afraid by that thought. What if I can't get a part time job? Would if I become burden to my husband? What if I get bored?
On the flip side to be able to run errands and not deal with crazy people so looking forward to that. And time with Max. He now has a fenced in yard and is in love with it. We are working on his Frisbee skills. The are sub par at best. I love my dog but he like me is no star athlete.

I am planning my best buds bridal and bachelorette celebrations. Let me just give a kernel of advice here. Let your children elope. Or help them pay for stuff. Don't complain if you don't like it unless you are paying.

So I like always am a stress puppy. Those who know me know if I don't have something to stress or worry about I can't function.
I am a little weird that way.

Maybe that is why I am freaking out.
Without a real job a lot of my stress is gone.
And my worries...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Babies, Beads, and Bridal Showers...

Not necessarily in that order. The official I am a part time worker count down has begun. :) I am applying for part time jobs that are fun. No more stress. The radio station is steadily giving me more hours and remotes. That helps even more. Can I just say what a great group of people I work with. Seriously. I know we get teased because people think some of the music we play is cheesy. If playing cheesy music means I get to know and work with these people I am all for it. Besides I don't think a lot of it, is cheesy. I actually really like it. Sometimes no yelling is a good thing.

My husband is encouraging me to pursue making jewelry and trying to sell it. I am nervous but I really like it and the extra money also would be lovely.

Finally I am helping Miss Beth plan bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and all the hoopla that comes with being married.
Just reminding me why I am glad we got married on an island. :)
I see Beth in a few weeks and I am so jazzed I can't tell you.
I had dinner with Amy Jo, Pete Yorn with Sandy. Again reminding me how much I love my friends.
They truly do rule.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sleeping in is Good

Tomorrow is a holiday for most of you, I will be working. Don't worry I will be working at my radio job. That means 4 hours of fun music. Bonus I can see the fireworks from my work balcony. Double bonus I get holiday pay. Triple bonus I can sleep in.

So 26 days til I work part time - it can not come soon enough :)