Monday, November 29, 2004

33 why not 23?

Another year and here I am.
All holiday weekend I kept dreading going to work on my birthday because there is a nasty tradition in my office - only sign the cards if you don't like a person. Write a message if you do.
Yes, yes I work with a lot of mature people.

So I was dreading going to work because knowing this trick I would be face to face with what everyone really thought of me. I still was but not as blatantly.
'Cause our VP didn't send around a card for me.
She never has... has for everyone else but me. And you know that is really fine.
I had a great day.

Got some hilarious cards from some of my friends outside the dept. My favorite is from my second husband Jim. It has three old ladies on it yelling out "Tart, hussy, slut" inside it says "Girl you still got it"
And while eating my birthday treats a couple of the supervisors asked me if I was now 21?
Oh how I love the bald faced lies. :)

This weekend I got to hang w/Bethie - always a kick, and got the very pretty earrings and pendants I have been wanting. Which I made Beth more than aware of.
You rule Beth. A p.s. mall fashion weren't there some huge don'ts?

My parents, brother and friend Dani sent me some funny cards.
Love the funny cards.
And tonight - my husband is taking me to my favorite restaurant.
So the day I dreaded is turning out pretty good.
Now the Pack just needs to win and it will be pretty close to perfect.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Gobble Gobble

I did it.
I made my first Thanksgiving dinner. That's right. I made the turkey (granted a breast), mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and rolls. My husband was pleasantly surprised and was impressed I was not only able to have everything maintain it's steaminess but cleaned the downstairs as well.
I think I am getting this homemaker thing. It's not about being the best at it or being perfect.
It's about for me - a good cd (in this case Jimmy Eat World) and Pepsi Spice. And away we go.
The only thing that could have made it better was my family.
Who were supposed to be in Arkansas but missed their flight to Chicago and due to weather even if they changed flights would have been stranded there. As it was the flight they missed was still on the runway because they had no where to send it.
So my Mom and I talked for an hour, my Dad and brother ate shrimp and managed to find one pumpkin pie left at their grocery store.
It wasn't my best Turkey Day but it was our first Turkey Day and that made it pretty good.
Although if I don't eat Turkey again I will be ok with that.

In novel blog news I am not going to make the deadline. Too much personal stuff for me to focus like I needed to. I feel bad I dropped the ball but I have gotten a game started and want to finish it. I have some big fans who feel if I do I could actually get it published and wouldn't that be nice :)
Have a great long weekend everyone.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Everyone has one...

One friend who knows how to push all your buttons and sometimes enjoys it.
I do... and she pushed my buttons hardcore today and in the process made me so upset that I dragged two innocent bystanders into the fray.
You know who you are and I am sorry.
Sometimes saying I tease because I love isn't an apology or something a friend does.
Nor is tracking them down at a bar to get $ you lent them then leaving, or standing in front of the mirror at their wedding reception so they couldn't get ready, or getting so drunk at same reception that the bride and bridesmaid were hauling presents in the rain into cars, or giving them a gift and asking for it back 2 years later.
These things build and up and bubble and mine is about to burst.
I know I should suck it up - its hard too.
Especially when I am getting beat up at work as well.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Shortest workday in a long time...

So I came in today at 645 expecting to be very productive.
Which was dumb because today was Lynn's funeral and I was unproductive.
4 hours at a Catholic/mass funeral will tire anyone out.
Her son Niki gave a great speech about his mom and I completely lost it.
Lynn was many people's champion and I sometimes foolishly think if she was still around some of the shit going on at work wouldn't be so bad.
Probably it would still be bad but Lynn would be there to make us all laugh.
Or spill something on her shirt.
In honor of Lynn please spill something on you tomorrow. Or if it will make you feel better on someone else. She would probably like that better.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Fat Butt looses her friend...

Did you know not to long ago my name was Fat Butt?
It was not my choice obviously.
My friend Lynn died yesterday - she was 62. You say Caprise how do you get a friend 40 yrs older than you? She was our medical nurse at work and the first person to make me feel I did the right thing by changing jobs. She immediately made me feel welcome and embraced who I was. She liked that I championed others who normally are the underdog and she fed my love of amber.
I have a huge bling bling Amber necklace from her that is so big I really can hardly wear it.
She always was one to eat and this was evidenced by her stains on her shirt.
She was addicted to baby feet - if you had a child and brought said child in and Lynn was around instantly socks would come off and she would play w/their feet.
She was a nurse but she smoked - when she got cancer she told us with a mischief look it's not from smoking either - it's not that type of cancer. When she started loosing all her weight she made sure we complimented her as she was always a little heavy. She liked to eat!!!
She started buying fancy velor jump suits to wear as she started getting sicker.
Ironically she didn't pass away from cancer but rather the several strokes she had. Toward the end the woman with an amazing appetite couldn't even eat.
Her funeral is on Monday one of my least favorite work days and ironically is during work.
So again I have to keep a brave face and support everyone else when really I just want to say go the fuck away.
Can't you see we are all hurting?
She started calling me fat butt when I told her I wanted to loose weight. So far I have lost 40 lbs.
She was amazing and crazy, and mischievous and had a wicked sense of humor.
She was just one of those people you rarely meet but when you do you never forget.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Still the one...

So I have decided by the first of the year I have to have a new job.
A few weeks ago I upset some of my coworkers by how I reacted to some comments they made about me and they have yet to let it go.
Seriously... this would not be so bad but they feel it's ok to talk about me in front of me.
Hate me all you want but do you have to throw it in my face?
It would be so much easier if I had a door, truly.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Over tiredness strikes again!!!

Ever been so tired and stressed and worried you can't sleep?
If so I salute you 'cause here I am just beat and I can't sleep.
Blows, blows, blows.

On a bright note I am getting a ton of bill writing done.
And thus my stress....

Friday, November 05, 2004


So today I went to our Hospice in Madison to say goodbye to a friend.
What is more terrible is even now I can't cry because she didn't appear to be the person I knew and it froze me.
It is so hard to believe what an illness can do to a person so quickly.
I really don't know what to say or how to even be right now so I am going to go.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


That is right ladies and gentleman. We came out strong but not on top.
Do not let that be the end of us.
Rumors are already starting that George's little brother is looking to carry on the family tradition.
Don't let it happen. Don't run away and pout. We made the first step by voting now keep it up.
We can not let our country be dictated. Honestly, I know it's hard to believe right now but we do live in a democracy.
Some things to keep in mind.
Several of the states that might have voted for Kerry had same sex marriage rulings on the bill.
This brought out a lot of people who normally wouldn't vote, also keep in mind our normally politically soft spoken ethnic brothers and sisters were out w/a vengenance as well.
In Milwaukee they made it happen by sending the first African American woman to office.
Hold onto these things. Our country is important. What makes it so is that we can speak out when we don't agree with something. There are a lot more voices saying the same thing than ever before. We will bring a change but not if we sit at home and pout about it.
Don't give up if anything get butt fucking ugly pissed.
I am. I am done crying it's time to fight.
This shit will not continue without a fight from me.
Are you with me?
My new anthem "Fight the Power" everyone get out your Public Enemy Tshirts start wearing them and yelling "Flavor Flav!!!"
Get crazy, get stupid, but please don't get sad and give up.
This is our wake up call.
Answer it.

Monday, November 01, 2004


Did lots of it this weekend w/some of my oldest and dearest friends ...
Some of our chants included:
You Suck
Devil Girl
Major Ranger
WSUW (in a rhythmic way and feet stomping)

We did interpretative dance to Randal Rudolph and the Family Band and smiled bashfully to the fact that we knew every single metal song our friend Paul's band played.
I can't believe at one point I thought dancing to Driving and Cryin's Fly Me Courageous was a good idea but I did. And people I only had three drinks.

So much fun and more to tell but I have signed on to try and write a novel so I have lots of work to do.