Monday, May 30, 2005

Hoorah for Memorial Day Weekend

what a great weekend.
why is it your three day weekends always end with the best weather being on the day before you go back to work?

we went to bratfest and scoped out houses
had some ice cream and now are just being lazy
feel kind of guilty because i did no cleaning
just vegged

it was lovely
i can run around this weekend

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Add to My List of Reasons I Love Madison...

The Farmer's Market. Steep and Brew coffee. Almond scones.
Went to the Farmer's Market with my friend Char. The weather totally cooperated. It was great. Only Madison can you have a Farmer's Market with a political play going on on the capital lawn and people applauding.
Since I live with a man who thinks corn is the only vegetable my purchases were plants and kettle corn. It was so cool watched them make it and got myself a huge bag. It is almost gone already! Of course I couldn't pass up the beautiful handmade crafts and got myself an original silk scarf. (Hand painted) It was a totally decadent purchase but what the heck.

It was a wonderful morning. However, I found myself to be wiped. Char on the other hand was on a mission. We journeyed down State St. to the bead store.
Spent too much money.

I love my city. It goes at a pace I can handle.

I came home and crashed and then decided to watch a movie.
I picked Hotel Rwanda.
Can someone please tell me how Don Cheadle did not get an Oscar for that movie?
Or why that movie got virtually overlooked at the award ceremonies?
Oh I know why because then it would point out how as a whole the entire world pretended like that terrible civil war didn't exist.
Again my Madison frame of mind coming in to play here.
What a great movie but lets just say any mascara I had on is long gone and my neighbors must think I am unstable.
'Cause I was balling...

I get to go the bratfest tomorrow and they have made it bigger and I am so excited.
Brats and pop for a buck and free music.
Ah Madison...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Going a 100 miles a minute!!!

So while my husband was away I made a decision.
I want a house.
So applied for a mortage
My life since last week has been crazy - cause shock my husband wants a house too!!!
It is all pretty overwhelming but also exciting.
To think in a few months I might have my own yard :)

Add to that my partner in crime is on vacation today and tomorrow.
I have been running!
But I loves my some stress.
Bring it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Star Wars and my missing husband...

So my husband is a huge Star Wars fan.
So huge he and a bunch of buddies are congregating in Austin today and spending the week watching Star Wars and seeing the sights.
In turn I am left to my own devices. Which I enjoy.
I miss him but can I tell you how great it is to have full rein.
Also it means I can clean without any interruption.
I like my Mother once on task must stay there.

This week has been pretty good.
Met up with the girls for Martini Mondays - so lovely.
I was laughing so hard I was crying.
Oh the imagery people can conjure in a story.

There is some mild drama amongst peeps I know and it hurts me because I love all my friends but poor manners is poor manners. And people if you are friends you shouldn't show your poor manners but rather the love.

On that note I am going to clean uninterrupted!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Send in the Family Rep...

So now that my folks are in PA. I have become the official rep for family functions. On today's assignment list. A bridal luncheon for my cousin. Now I love her parents, they rock. They flew to Jamaica for our wedding, hosted our gift opening, and always invite us over for the holidays.
Their daughter on the other hand during my wedding ceremony - pitched a fit. Pouted when it was done, and threatened to walk back to their resort because she was bored.

In defense of said cousin at 26 she has the mentality level of a 12 yr old literally. However attending said luncheon will give my other aunts and cousins an opportunity to ask when we are going to have a baby.
Which those of you close to me know may in of itself not be any easy process for us because of health reasons. So I am not in a mood. I am hoping none of this will happen but I can feel my blood pressure going up at the thought of the onslaught I am about to endure.
UGH. I have always been the odd duck amongst my cousins as I went to college and waited to get married. My family thinks you should be married and have children young. To be honest I didn't even start dating until my 20's!!!

In happier family news my Mom is coming here in June, and has made it clear that she wants to be selfish and see me again in July. It has only been in the last year or so my Mom and I have become buds, and can I say how wonderful it is? I can tell her anything. I always could but now it isn't judged so harshly. I had a spa day planned for us but she has decided she wants me to spend the $300 on a plane ticket.
I agreed.
I really miss my family. My whole life I have always been able to spend a holiday with them. I am going on year two of now family holidays. It kind of blows. If your family is close consider yourself lucky. For the last 6 years mine has only been near by for a year. No matter what your beef is with your family they are yours. Hold them close because some day they may be far away. Of course you know I am talking about my parents right? 'Cause my aunties god love them can certainly drive me bonkers! I have 7! And I get to see 4 today. Help me!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

And the Lightbulb went off...

Today at work I had the moment.
The moment when your job and what you do and why you do the stupid nitpicky stuff you do has to be done.
What was cooler my coworkers saw it too.
It is so nice to get it.
Now to keep it!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Ode to My iPod Shuffle

Oh how I love thee my portable music player. You do not jump, you do not skip even when I do. You allow me to purchase guilty pleasures music and keep it between us two. You help me sing and dance and shake my money maker. You are so wonderful little iPod - so glad Apple had the foresight to make ya.

Ok that was cheesy but can I just say - HOORAY FOR THE IPOD.
I am by no means technical but I need my music when I travel and work out and when I do those things I want options. Options I say.

I now do. My current musical selections range from Will Smith to James Brown with some Keane thrown in. I still have to download my own stuff but it is so cool to be able to have one song I like instead of purchasing the whole album which may blow. Remember cassette singles, cd singles? Ya I was probably the only person who bought them. The shuffle had me in mind. Also it has not bells and whistles just music. Which is all I want.
I love it. My husband has dubbed me a dork but like my digital camera before it certain electronics get my excited and happy. Add my iPod and fancy new vacuum to the list.

The other thing that happens w/the new toy. I sing aloud and don't realize it. I have never sang in front of Chris before. Almost 5 years and he has never heard me sing. Now he has hear me sing:
Avril Lavigne - Skater Boy
Amerie - 1 thing
Kelly Clarkson - ?
Destiny's Child - Bootylicious
Modest Mouse - Float on
The Clash - Train in Vain
The Goo Goo Dolls - Give a little bit...

I think you know where this is going. It is good. My kind of music right now. As a child of the decades of mix tapes I am sending Apple and the iPod much love.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Baby's first Musical

So ...
Beth has a co worker who has season tickets to the Overture Center.
She gave up a pair of her tickets so she and her husband could go see Cirque de Soliel in Las Vegas. For $67 I got a third row seat at the Overture Center and got to see the Producers.
I don't think I stopped smiling until we hit the crowd leaving of course.

I have never thought of myself as a musical kind of girl. Phantom of the Opera and the like bore me to tears. However Mel Brooks humor and sparkly costumes.
Sign me up.
We were so close we could see the microphones in their wigs.
We saw them spit.
It was amazing.

I always have a blast w/Beth but this was especially magical.
Because Beth is my truly talented theatrical friend. So I had someone who could explain to me what the thing that looked like a silver mole on a person's forehead was. Or how they were able to sing and dance at the same time. I know these seem like stupid things to wonder about but I do. Beth being patient lets me enjoy and explains. One of other friends who is also in theater goes so far as to explain how they do lighting in movies to me. I guess being a theater major makes her an expert on lighting. Did I mention my senior paper in college was on how light was used to help tell the story in Apocalypse Now?!

My point is this.
It feels good to have friends that now when to tell you are stupid but never make you feel that way.
It feels even better when you can share such amazing stuff w/them.
I am now officially a musical geek. Watch out I may be watching the Tony's soon.
My dream musical? BLAZING SADDLES BABY!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

It was bound to happen...

I would have one of those days that makes me wonder if I made the right thing taking a new job.
I have gone from the girl who knows everything to be the girl who knows nothing.
It is a hard transition.
Makes me feel like I am not living up to expectations.
I know I will get there but it just seems like in my pea brain not soon enough.