Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Internet brings out the Idiots

It has been a long couple of weeks. On one hand great. My parents took Gabby giving us some much needed couple time. Then they came and visited which was lots of fun. I love seeing my daughter entertain her Grandparents and them try to entertain her. She stamps her feet and spins in a circle ala Happy Feet when she dances - which is all the time. She even puts her little arms above her head while she twirls.
On top of it she has figured out how to do head stands.
On the flipside a good friend of mine lost a loved one. Due to the circumstances the press got involved which in turn made a personal loss a public thing. Let's just say it's easy to say things when no one can see you. However I would love for any of those people to say those things to my face.


beth said...

Thanks for everything Caprise, I mean it. You've been the best.

Ann said...

Caprise... yes, there are idiots out there. Unfortunately the web makes it easier for us to see and hear them. But you are a good friend. Know that one for shizzle.