Saturday, June 07, 2008

Back from KC

Gabby and I just got back from a week in KC with my parents. You don't realize you need a vacation sometimes until you are on it. You also don't realize you have stress until you are away from it. I think I have been fooling myself about a couple of things and being away kind of brought them to the surface.
Just means I need to do some retooling to try and make things right and lessen the stress.
I know my folks are only an hour away by plane but it doesn't seem close enough. Especially when I see Gabby with her Grandparents.
She changed a lot in a week.
I have the best baby ever people. Seriously!
For once in my life I actually look like I went on vacation too.
Wish I was still on it.

1 comment:

beth said...

Vacations are the best, no lie....