Saturday, December 04, 2004

Work Christmas Parties = bleh

Had mine Thursday night. Why must we have assigned seating? Chris and I were lucky we were seated by people we get along with but I know other people were not that fortunate.
The food was really great but there was so much of it that I didn't want to be touched at all after dinner. That is no good.

It was still very awkward - we had toasts thanking everyone for all they did. I was the last one thanked which made Chris angry since I work with everyone.

The climate at work hasn't approved much. I think the party might have made it worse.
I had a pity party with two of my coworkers yesterday over lunch and we concluded these women must be making up for not being popular in high school or frankly ever.
What's funny is the three of us talking were far from popular in high school ourselves. Two band geeks and a literary magazine editor. :)
What felt good both days was to get validation for how I felt from people who really didn't have to agree with me. Sometimes we over react to things but if felt good to have my husband say he now understood why I feel the way I do about work. And then yesterday during the pity party to have my two friends say they feel the same way I do. Our office has turned into a high school subculture and the only thing that keeps them going like me is the fact that internally we may torque off about 3-4 people but that is 3-4 out of a 800.

In the scheme of things that isn't too bad. Unfortunately some of those people from the small group can determine my promotions and raises but hey... I will survive right?
I have too and as I always say especially lately - there are people out there who have a lot worse at least I have.

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