Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Living My Life

The last couple posts have been about making some changes.
So I have been, can I just say little things like leaving on time and taking lunches, wearing fun clothes to work- are things that are making me feel more like myself.

I don't need to change jobs to be happy. I need to change my attitude. My biggest issue is that I take jobs where I feel like I need to become what that workplace thinks I should be.
Yes and no.
Work ethic definitely.
Attitude sure... but how I look maybe not so much.
Who I question - need to be careful but my foundation of life was based on questioning authority.
I don't question enough - I assume because someone has years on me they know more, not necessarily.
I have things to contribute and I am capable.
I think somewhere along the way I forgot that.

I also forgot the joy of doing stupid things for myself.
Like taking the Cosmo quiz.
Eating cheese popcorn.
Reading a great book.
Cuddling with my honey.
Making my cat do a little dance.
Being me.

So I am going to be me.
I get a bonus in October and my reward for taking a lunch and leaving on time to myself - a new tattoo. (Beth we are so going together)
I am going to spend more time with my friends. (Ann I think we need to get planning our Halloween costumes - you can be Joan Jett and I will be Lita Ford or vice versa since we know Lita plays a mean guitar!)
My problem is I have made work my life and left my life behind.
It ends today - and it did a full lunch hour.


Ann said...

Caprise: I understand your feelings. Sometimes when we are consumed we are actually less effective. It's good that you realized the things that you pointed out in your post. I need to learn from you. Paul's band has a Halloween show again this year!

Caprise said...

Halloween show here I come!