Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Why Babies rule ...

So I have begun my month long babysitting stint for my friends Dani and Joe.
This involves me hauling tail over to their place every Wednesday by 5:30. Dani feeds me which is cool, but I feel kind of odd about. Then leaves me w/Izzy 'til 8 or so when Joe gets home from class.
Tonight I learned just sitting on the floor can be hours of entertainment for little people who can't put words together.
Izzy sat in front of me I held her hands and we rocked side to side and tried to sing our ABC's.
Then I tried to teach her Rubber Ducky.
After dealing w/crap all day it is so fun to hang with her.
I got 10 hugs just because. She would stop what she was doing run over and hug me saying :AW.
So cute.
Other cool thing you can get her to parrot you. She makes this hilarious Grover sound.
Had her make it about 20 times purely for my entertainment. She was entertained because she was making me laugh.
And everyone was happy.
And that is why babies rule...

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