Monday, July 18, 2005

Everybody is ready for the weekend, again...

Had such a great weekend I want it to be here again.
We had dinner out twice which is always a treat and we got to visit with Ann and Dan.
They did a mini day trip and it was so great to see them. We took them to our favorite burger place - Griff's.
We love it there but it is a family owned restaurant so the visits can be interesting to say the least. The owner's son who basically runs it, is the happiest person you ever met. We discussed on the walk back how he needs more flair. On the walk there Annie and I were discussing the similarities between our spouses. They walk the same, stand the same, are built the same and are both two of the sweetest men you will ever meet. I told Annie they are both so different from the guys we fawned over in college - and thank goodness for that!!!

I love my friends so much and it meant so much to me that they would make time out to see me. They also helped me solve my ongoing dilemma about going back into radio. Not going to do it. I pride myself on being an aging punk. Not necessarily outwardly but inwardly- in that I do what I believe in - and I don't believe in commercial radio. It is not fun for me and frankly I don' t think I am that good at it anymore or to be honest ever was. So I am going to focus that energy on other things like myself, my husband, and my zoo.

Max was such a good boy this weekend. He of course drooled on everyone but that is because he loves them so much!

Found an unlikely stress reliever tonight. My iPod and an incumbent bike at the health club. I am so relaxed!!!

Hoping to see Ann, Dan and Paulie and Nichole in a few weeks, as well as see the debut performance of Ann in Paul's band.
Should be fun. Always is.
I suppose,my dog is freaking out and my cats need some water.
Thank you Ann and Dan for being my friends and making me feel like it is ok to be me. :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're pretty lucky to have Ann and Dan. The only people luckier than you may be Ann and Dan because of how much they're appreciated.

Ann said...

Caprise: Thanks for the kinds words... you're nice.