Saturday, September 03, 2005

Still no word...

My best girl Beth had recently become a New Orleans resident. Last I heard she was safe in Dallas. However, I haven't heard from her in 2 days which is cause for concern as I know she is on the last legs of money to get home.
I went and grabbed lunch at my local McDon's and they had CNN on.... if I were a reporter there I would be giving these people my water and food, letting them have my supplies not filming while someone is crying out for water.
What has our world come to?
Do we enjoy seeing others suffer that much?

My husband and I keep debating calling the Red Cross and going and helping. Me with my weak heart and bad eyes. :) My husband who gets winded going downstairs. I feel very helpless and like money is not enough. I have an acquaintance who called the Red Cross and volunteered to drive his flatbed down south loaded with supplies to help out. They called him on Friday, he is going to call me on Tuesday and tell me if he is going.

I wish I had the ability to do something like that. Unfortunately, all I can do is get together a care package for when Beth and Chris get here. We have been frantically unpacking our new home so they have room to stay. I have been fighting my fear of basements to clean ours up - if they need more space. I have been keeping my eye out for sales so I can get Beth some clothes that match as that is the one thing she would love to do right now. Match.
I don't' make a lot of money but what extra we have we are giving to Beth and Chris so they can start to feel as normal as people who have lost everything can.

With that I guess I challenge you reading this.
Instead of buying a coffee or a shirt that is on sale take that money and give it to the Red Cross, if you don't have the money give blood.
A little right now will go a long way.
Besides I don't need my White Mocha Grande, my girl needs stuff.

Do what you can - cause our government is dropping the ball, maybe as a people we can pick it up.


Ann said...

Out cursed blog spam!

Caprise said...

No crap! I blog to vent not get infomercials!!! UGH!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Caprise. It's Nancy - a friend of Beth's from SOFO. A few of us ex/current SOFO folk are getting some money together for Beth and Chris (and the hedgehog). I'm thinking they would be good with letting you determine how to share the money with her. It's not much, but we felt we had to do something. I'll see if one of the guys doesn't have your email addy. Let's talk.....Nancy