Monday, October 31, 2005

For Once it was not just a cold...

So every year about this time I get several colds that hang on. Blame it on a job where I deal w/a ton of people and oh yes I don't take care of myself.
Well... this year my cold lasted for 2 weeks, I didn't get better and I started becoming short of breath. At the urging of my coworker this morning I went to the Urgent Care center next store.
There I found out I have a severe sinus infection and the beginnings of Whooping Cough. If I had let it go I would have go any further I would have full blown Whooping Cough. Nice.
I know am the owner of an inhaler and am on antibiotics for a week. Antibiotics which by the way have horrible side effects. I won't go there but let's just say can't take them until I am home.
The one good thing, I had a in your face moment w/my boss. Last week she treated me like I was faking it. Well I wasn't, I knew I wasn't but it was nice to have a doctor's backing.
And a pass for the day off.

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