Monday, October 18, 2004

World's Most Crowded Cooking Show

So a bunch of us from work decided to go to a cooking show at the local high school.
We thought free food neat stuff right?
Let me tell you some things you should never do if you are going to have a cooking show.
Stuff the poor exhibitors in the space that is considered "backstage" for the auditorium and jam it full of people!!!
Mostly the cranky woman type.
One lady had such a bad panic attack she almost killed one of my coworkers to get her out of the way. Going in I made it clear to my group I had crowd issues to which one of my coworkers kept running into me.
She always has to be in front. ... I deal 'cause I love her but the human crush was just too much for me and go out saw two exhibits and paid way too much for a mini Domino's pizza and diet coke.
Because they had no free food and the only vendors were : Domino's , the high school's cooking school, and a nice restaurant that was selling wraps I couldn't afford.
That was it!!!
But what I did get that was more than worth my $12 admission?
A night w/my friends and tons of great coupons to some cool local businesses.
Tons I tell you!
Favorite coupon? $10 of a DSW purchase.
If I can't enjoy the cooking show I will buy some shoes.

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